Saturday, August 7, 2010

Launch of the series – know your birthstone!

This month we thought we’d begin apprising you of your birthstones. Each month we’ll be posting an article on the birthstone of the month. Being the month of August, the lion’s been roaring down our alley! Not too surprisingly, we thought we’d begin our special series with the birthstone of the ‘Leo’ - Moonstone.

A Leo loves being the center of attention; a true one will have it no other way! Romantic, lavish, aggressive, naturally sexy and charismatic they just know how to charm their way through. Quite obviously they love the flattery and praise that comes their way – and why shouldn’t they – they’ve earned it, haven’t they?! But while most Leo’s deserve every ounce of the attention that comes their way, some are also known for their arrogance and insolence.

Incorrigible? We don’t think so! We recommend that the lion wear a moonstone – a stone known for its cooling properties that stimulates practicality, introspection and discernment. It strengthens creative intuition and improves general awareness and the ability to understand. The moonstone has a natural and soft shimmer which is accentuated in its almost milky consistency. Wearing the moonstone is sure to lend the fiery Leo the imperative balance that can glorify his/her persona.

Check this link to know your birthstone and to purchase through our store.

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